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https://organisations.staging.wechange.de/dashboard/ (Testportal)
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Die Dockerskripte für den Nextcloud/Onlyoffice Server inkl. Dokumentation
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Prototype for WECHANGE frontend redesign using React & Material UI https://staging.wechange.de/dashboard/
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Deprecated // Altes Project
Please use the cosinnus or an other project. // Bitte benutzen Sie das cosinnus oder ein anderes Projekt.
Öffentliche Darstellung neuer Funktionen (Issues) und deren Stand für das wechange-Plattform-System.
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hier wird die wechange doku gehostet, import von gitbook von DINA
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Main codebase for the WECHANGE suite. Contains the core functionality and models: user account management, groups/projects, ideas, user-dashboard, map, search, and all base templates, forms, and stylesheets. Supplies the abstract BaseTaggableObjectModel used by other cosinnus sub-repositories to plug in project/group content models.
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Devops repository for the WECHANGE suite. Your starting point to contribute to WECHANGE.
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Nextcloud-based file storage and collaborative document editing for the cosinnus suite
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Etherpad (https://etherpad.org/) and Ethercalc (https://ethercalc.net/) integration for groups/projects in the WECHANGE suite. Implements a folder-based BaseTaggableObjectModel for both types that wraps pads/calcs created and maintained via API on a local etherpad/ethercalc installation.
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An event calendar implementation for groups/projects in the WECHANGE suite. Implements BaseTaggableObjectModel event model and an event-poll model with dates, attendances, attachable files and comments.
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A file management implementation for groups/projects in the WECHANGE suite. Implements a folder-based BaseTaggableObjectModel file model for uploaded files and images. Attaching files to other group/project contents requires this package.
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A classified ads / marketplace implementation for groups/projects in the WECHANGE suite. Implements a BaseTaggableObjectModel offer model with automatic expiry.
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A direct messenging implementation for the WECHANGE suite. Based on django-postman. This package is being deprecated in favor of a direct-messaging solution using RocketChat integration.
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A news-post implementation for groups/projects in the WECHANGE suite. Implements a BaseTaggableObjectModel newspost model with title, text, attachable files and comments.
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E-Mail notification and daily/weekly e-mail digest generation for the WECHANGE suite. Handles all notifcation triggers and user notification preferences.
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