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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • Tickets that are in the current sprint and have been looped back to the backlog with requested code changes, after having been submitted for Review by the Dev-Team and reviewed.
  • Sprint - DevReview
    global / Code
    Tickets that are in the current sprint and have been completed. They need to be reviewed by the Dev-Team and can then be forwarded to Sprint::QC to be checked by the POs.
  • SprintBacklog
    global / Code
    Dev took item into the sprint backlog and committed to finish it within the current sprint
  • SprintBlocked
    global / Code
  • SprintDoing
    global / Code
    Ticket worked on currently
  • SprintQC
    global / Code
    When developers have finished their tasks, ready for testing in sprint review.
  • SprintRefinement
    global / Code
    Issues, die noch diskutiert und inhaltlich geklärt werden müssen.
  • SprintUpcoming
    global / Code
    Issues, waiting for developer to get done. Need to have a clear decision about the concept and should be fully funded!
  • [AppConference]
    global / Code
    Betrifft die Tagungshaus-Funktionalität BBB und Tagungshaus
  • [AppMessage_RocketChat]
    global / Code
    Alle Issues, die die Integration von Rocke.Chat betreffen
  • [AppNextCloud]
    global / Code
    Plattformübergreifend alles zur Nextcloud Integration
  • [AppNote]
    global / Code
    News, Posts, Neuigkeiten in Groups and Projects