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Other labels 83
Projekt CoLAB (Committed to Local Climate Action Building – Engagiert für lokale Klimaschutzmaßnahmen). Wir arbeiten zusammen mit Mannheim + Aachen + Münster, vor allem am Deal-O-Mat.
Aufgaben, die einfach zeitaufwändig sind, keine hohe Prio haben und keine hohen Anforderungen haben. Potentielle Aufgaben für Werkstudis/Praktis
global / Code
Tickets that are finished by the devs and wait for being added to a release ticket. Please add the ticket to the current release ticket.
PO Estimated waiting for order
global / Code
After ticket has been estimted by developer and ticket requires order from customer, ticket is parked here.
PO Ordered Feature
global / Code
Features that have been ordered, waiting for implementation.
Check, whether a milestone exists. Add link. If not, notify account manager. Clockify project is also necessary.
global / Code
Ideas and wishes for new features and feature improvements. Also bugs, that need to be prioritized (not critical bugs). Please use templates.