Die Wechange-Portale gibt es in vielen Sprachen.
- Eine Liste aller verfügbaren sprachen gibt es hier: https://nextcloud.wechange.de/s/9oJ6YKtgf9abx2T
## Übersetzungen verbessern oder neue Sprachen hinzufügen
- Here are the PO-Files containing the translations for wechange: https://nextcloud.wechange.de/s/RGrq93sqMXCqj7e
- We recommend using POEdit to do the translations, which can be downloaded here: https://poedit.net/download.
The goal is to translate all empty texts in all of the .po files. You may split up the work and choose different files to translate for different people, or just translate parts of the files, and then pass them along to the next person. Over 50% of all texts are contained in the main file "core-django-es.po".
The German translations are included purely as a reference to check up a different translations. Text pieces that look like this: %(number)s in the english text are variables, which are filled by the system during runtime. They must appear in the translated part exactly like it with
that syntax, but you can place them anywhere in the translated text, where it makes sense for your language.
When translating, if there is a weird or technical term you don't recognize, don't translate it and just use the same term as translation. Should you encounter any German text pieces, you do not need to translate them!
# Inhaltsübersetzungen
Inhalte auf der Plattform (Titel, beschreibungen etc.) können bei DINA in mehreren Sprachen angegeben werden
![image](uploads/479ea05cac6cde624bfa33a0ba808dbd/image.png) |