Prioritized labels
Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
Other labels
global / Code
This is a collector label for testing relevant tickets. These tickets contain infos that might be relevant for testing concepts.
Aufgaben, die einfach zeitaufwändig sind, keine hohe Prio haben und keine hohen Anforderungen haben. Potentielle Aufgaben für Werkstudis/Praktis
global / Code
Tickets, die den Standardprozesse wie maintenance und das Aufsetzen neuer Portale betreffen
global / Code
Tickets that are finished by the devs and wait for being added to a release ticket. Please add the ticket to the current release ticket.
PO Estimated waiting for order
global / Code
After ticket has been estimted by developer and ticket requires order from customer, ticket is parked here.
PO Ordered Feature
global / Code
Features that have been ordered, waiting for implementation.
Check, whether a milestone exists. Add link. If not, notify account manager. Clockify project is also necessary.
global / Code
Ideas and wishes for new features and feature improvements. Also bugs, that need to be prioritized (not critical bugs). Please use templates.
global / Code
Tickets are finished and tested on staging. Waiting for deploy on production. Need to be tested on production.