Template für Bugs oder Feature-Request
Für alles, was als Problem, Bug oder Feature-Wunsch erkannt wird, und mehr als einen Chat-Hinweis braucht (besonders wenn Diskussionen und mehrere Lösungsoptionen entstehen oder ein Arbeitsaufwand von mehr als 10 min) muss ein Issue im jeweiligen Git-Projekt angelegt werden! Dazu bitte folgendes Muster verwenden:
This Issue-Template is added as a .md file to the project how to and can be selected while creating a new issue. Therefore it must be placed in each Repository, where it should be selectable, in this place: .gitlab/issue_templates/IssueTemplate.md
User Stories
Why is this Feature/ Bug important?
Which Targetgroup has a Problem or would profit from this Solution?
Who is using our Plattform for which purpose? z. B. As a user I ... want the search to find only results, that match my search term.
As a user I want to ...
What Purpose, additional Value or target does this feature have?
What will be possible or easier with this solution and how can we measure it?
describe, what is annoying or not possible.
If it is a Bug, please open:
### Steps to reproduce > How one can reproduce the issue? Please provide links to test it and screenshots as proves - this is very important!!!What is the current bug behavior?
What actually happens
What is the expected correct behavior?
What you should see instead
Possible fixes
What different options do you see as a solution? (Name them A, B, C... and rank them with the easiest first and say, which option you would prever) Please provide screenshots or links to other plattforms with better solutions!
What implications does this change have on the user experience other than the expected improvement? And what implication does it have on security, privacy or the speed of the plattform?
Technical suggestions
How developers can solve it
Where in the code should be done some changes?
Which Solution/ Possible fix was selected? Where do you have to edit things? What code and switches you should change?
How to track you time and document your work
On which clockify milestone should you track your time (might be indicated in the description of the attached milestone) and where do you have to document your work?
Definition of Done (for development)
DoD checkmarks can also be set, if requirement is not applicable for this feature
Unit/integration tests have been created -
Frontend and backend code have been separated -
Backend code has been refactored -
Inline and complementary documentation (README/GitLab Wiki) has been updated -
Link to merge request has been attached to the issue -
Accessibility best practices have been integrated -
Security & data privacy best practices have been followed -
Sustainability best practices have been followed
/label ~"[1Questions]" ~"[PO-Inbox]"
/assign @helmut.wolman
Diese Issue-Vorlage sollte immer im Original geupdated werden: https://git.wechange.de/wechange/aktuell/template/-/issues/7